Wow alot mods were on today. To start of hiki had a big party to celebrate 500 followers on the blog woo hoo! She made it rain an exclusive item called the 500 shirt.She also made it rain a couple of other shirts. Vayerman had his own party one chocalate. He made it magic, 500day t shirts,aand some glasses. Chlos was also on doing some magic and Im not so sure but I think he made it rain the 500 t shirt too. Canab was also on.He made it rain 500 t shirt,space suit(citizens can only wear it),and a couple of other t shirts,and magic.Wow really busy day today but it was fun.I also heard rumors that mimo might have a rain party tomorrow maybe.Well guys cya.If we ever get gift back I will make sure to give you guys a 500 t shirt:)
awesome i wish i was there oh yeah i heard rumors about trade and gift days so ill trade u stuff for a 500 shirt when the trade day comes out